Sunday, 9 September 2012

What is Phobia? Scientific Names to various Phobia’s

Phobia is a psychiatric term used to describe fear of a specific situation i-e fear of height, fear of road travel etc, or an object i-e animals like snakes, spiders, lizards, medical situations like seeing blood or being injected.
It is in fact, a psychological disorder in which the patient feel himself in-secure against these objects and avoid them. There are hundreds of phobias that are categorized in a list for the ease of psychology students.
We are going to list and define some of them.
Astraphobia – fear of thunder and lightning
fear of thunder and lightning
Image credit: Flickr ergates
Cyberphobia – fear of Computers / Learning new technologies
fear of Computers / Learning new technologies
Image credit: Flickr aranarth
Agoraphobia – Fear of attending social events or open spaces
Fear of attending social events or open spaces
Image credit: Flickr hddod
Entomophobia – Fear of insects
Fear of insects
Image credit: Flickr photogirl7.1
Gephyrophobia – Fear of crossing bridges
Fear of crossing bridges
Image credit: Flickr Lomo-Cam
Gynophobia – Fear of women
Fear of women
Image credit: Flickr alandberning
Glossophobia – Fear of speaking in public (Shyness or lack of confidence in fact)
Fear of speaking in public (Shyness or lack of confidence in fact)
Image credit: Flickr kurichan+
Seismophobia – fear of earthquakes
fear of earthquakes
Image credit: Flickr digitalsadhu
Nosocomephobia – Fear of hospitals
Fear of hospitals
Image credit: Flickr Fotos Gov/Ba
Ophidiophobia or Snakophobia – Fear of snakes
Fear of snakes
Image credit: Flickr joshgray

How was the post? Did you like it or not? We tried to highlight all the known phobias but may be missing more, post in the comment below any other phobia you know and don’t forget to mention your Phobia ???

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