Wednesday 12 September 2012

Your Chance To Really Make Money at Home

As you may know, I recently signed up to become a consultant for Shelf Reliance. I did this for two main reasons:
1. To earn some (much needed) extra income for my family.
2. To build our food storage for free or super cheap (or even supplementing our weekly groceries).
I’ve only been a consultant for a little over two months now, but I’m already SO glad I signed up! The benefits have really been a blessing to us, even in such a short amount of time. I’m excited to see where we’ll be with Shelf Reliance in a year from now.
I tell you all of this to share that ANYBODY can sign up to become a consultant for Shelf Reliance. You can even sign up to become a part of my team, meaning I will be there for you every step of the way, to show you the ropes and share my insider tricks for higher profits.
Becoming a consultant isn’t for everybody… and it won’t be profitable for everybody… but I do think you will do well if you fit into any of these categories:
1. You run with a group of preparedness minded friends.
It’s amazing how quickly orders add up, even within a small group of people. If you can get a co-op of some kind going, where people place monthly bulk orders on sale items then not only would you make a good commission and free food for your own family, you would also hook your friends up with some awesome deals.
2. You live in a preparedness minded community.
For instance, if you live in an area where there is a Mormon community or LDS church, then you have the potential to become a valuable partner with them in helping them get their hands on long term food storage that their canneries aren’t able to get, at a discounted price.
3. You have a website, blog, or social media network targeted toward people who might be preparedness minded.
This is particularly great for people who just don’t have time to go out and do home parties or set up for product samplings. You earn money while helping your online friends get great deals on stuff they need! It’s a win-win.
4. You don’t really surround yourself with preparedness minded people, but you are a real go-getter and can find creative ways to sell freeze dried and emergency products.
Freeze dried and dehydrated foods aren’t just good for food storage. They make delicious, healthy snacks, are perfect convenience foods for nights when you need a quick meal, are great for backpacking and camping trips, are an excellent choice for kids’ school lunches, and even make delicious baby food! There are so many ways that THRIVE foods can be used for saving time and money, and for eating healthier, you really don’t have to find a niche with preppers to sell these products.
So, how exactly do you profit from becoming a Shelf Reliance Consultant?
1. Earning an Income
Consultants earn a commission of 10% on all One-Time orders. We are also paid 20%-32% on all first month Q orders, depending on how many Qs you total for the month. We also get paid a residual income of 5% of all ongoing monthly Qs.
Consultants earn $50 for each consultant who joins their team. We also earn 1%-2% of all sales our team members bring in, down to three levels. That means that if I sign up a consultant, then she signs up a consultant, who then signs up a consultant herself, I would earn 2% of all of their sales and all of the sales that their consultants generate! Herein lies your greatest earning potential!
What’s cool is that your own purchases count toward your sales totals, so you even earn commission on the things you buy!
2. Earn Free & Half-Off Food
One of the great things about Shelf Reliance is that they sell stuff that everybody actually needs- food! And consultants can earn a lot of it.
As a consultant, you would earn 10% of all sales from events and parties that you host in free food on top of the commission you earn. Once you’ve sold $400 worth of product for the month, you also earn half-off products, starting at half-off $100 and increasing as your sales increase.
This is a great way to build your home store, or supplement your monthly grocery budget, with free and discounted foods.
What does it take to sign up as a Consultant?
As is the case when building any business, there is a start up expense. HOWEVER, the reason I was prompted to share this opportunity with you is that right now, through Sept. 14th only, Consultant Start-Up Kits are 20% off regular price! (I wish they’d run this sale when I was signing up!) So if you are at all interested, NOW is the time to jump onboard.
Now, I am not one to spend money to make money. I hate that concept. I just want to start at zero and then profit, you know?! But after I took some serious time to study up on how this business works and what the costs are, I had no doubt it was worth the investment. And it has been.
The great thing about these Start Up Kits is that they are mostly FOOD. Food for you to use as party samples, and food for you to practice with and get familiar with. And it’s food at a discounted price. The Basic Consultant Starter Kit is $159.20 (on sale) with a retail value of $320. So, in my mind, I figured even if the business didn’t do well I’d still have all of that food for a GREAT price! The kits also include party materials, such as an apron, brochures, a cookbook, party forms, sample cups, and more.
Shelf Reliance offers several Consultant Kits at different price ranges. Personally, I chose to start up with the Value Starter Kit (second cheapest), which is $231.20 on sale. This kit comes with a lot more food than the Basic Starter Kit, and was well worth it for me.
If you would like to see all of the Start Up Kits available, their prices and what they include, click HERE. (Remember to take 20% off these prices if ordering before Sept. 14th.)
Consultants are also required to maintain a monthly Q of at least $50. This is a great way to slowly build your home store at rock bottom prices, and you get exclusive sales on certain products every month. Plus, it really doesn’t take much to earn enough commission to cover your Q cost.
A professional website is also available for consultants for $10/mo, if they’d like to purchase one. The first month is free for a trial run.
How would I sell these products?
Most Shelf Reliance Consultants make the bulk of their money from Home Parties. It works just like Mary Kay or Pampered Chef, only you’re selling something that everybody actually needs! Your family, friends, friends-of-friends can all host Home Parties- earning them 10% of party sales in free food, and you earn 10%-32% commission. Plus, you now have customers to earn future commission off of if they sign up for the Q or place more orders down the line.
Some consultants like to set up Shelf Reliance booths at expos, fairs, gun shows, and other local events. Consultants can get discounts on supplies for handing out samples and brochures.
Contacting niche groups to offer a demo is also a great way to get your name out there.
Or, you can do it all virtually. If you already have a pretty good audience on a blog or social media site, then you can offer your patrons up to 30% off of retail prices and do all sales transactions online. Attach a link in your email signature and share your store with everybody you contact.
The great thing is that you can work this business close to home, or out on the world wide web.
Is this really something that can be profitable?
Yes! It really is. But you’re going to have to do some work. What you put into it is what you’ll get out of it. Your first goal would be to make back what you spent to start up. According to Shelf Reliance, the typical Home Party averages sales of $700. That seems hard to believe, but with Q sales especially it’s actually very easy to do. It would only take three average parties to earn back the money on a basic start-up kit!
I can’t speak from experience on home party sales because my business is 100% online, but personally I was able to make back my start up costs within the very first month.
OR, you can get four people to join your team and you’ve made the money back that way as well. So yes, it’s very doable!
This is for me… How do I sign up?
If becoming a Shelf Reliance Consultant sounds like something that you can see yourself enjoying, I’d love to have you join my team!
Next, fill out the form, making sure to name me (Kendra Lynne) as your referring consultant. You’ll also need to enter my consultant ID#: 7037, and my email address:
Then you will be able to choose which Consultant Kit you’d like to start up with, and you’ll be set to start your new business! Once I see you’ve joined my team, I’ll be in touch to help you get off to the best start possible. And I’ll always be available if you have any questions at all.
Please do NOT sign up without seriously considering whether or not this is something you can afford to do, or have time to devote to. I would never want to encourage any of you to do something that would not be beneficial to your family.
But if this business sounds like it would be right up your alley, then I’m happy to help in any way I can! And I look forward to having you join my team!

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