Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Lesson Time On The Go

Sometimes it’s hard to find time to squeeze in all of the lessons that we would like to teach our children in one day. A good way to take advantage of “dead” time is while you are out driving around. Instead of turning on a DVD player for your child to mindlessly vegg out on, go over memory lessons with him. Some things I like to practice while driving are:
ABC’s (Eng. and Spanish)
Counting  (Eng. and Spanish)
Colors in Spanish
Days of the week
Months of the year
Reciting child’s full name, and parent’s full names
Quoting Scripture Memory Verses
Naming the Presidents (1-10)
Simple Math (Addition/Subtraction)
Counting by 10′s, 5′s and 2′s.
Naming the Continents
Naming what Continent we live on
Naming what state we live in
Reciting Home Address and Phone Number
Naming the Four Seasons
Naming and Discussing the 5 Senses
Practicing Spanish Phrases
Reciting the Pledge of Allegience
Listing the U.S. states
Naming the capitols of each state

Always make it fun and entertaining for the children to learn. If they aren’t interested in participating, continue without them! When I ask my children something, like their address, and they don’t feel like reciting it to me, I go ahead and repeat it to them several times over. Even if they aren’t saying it with me, they are still hearing it and learning it. The same goes for other subjects as well.
So take advantage of the time you spend together in the car. You’ll be amazed at how much they will remember from just a few minutes a week of these lessons.

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