Got extra squash? You could dehydrate it, or freeze it, but canning is so much fun, don’t ya think? It looks so pretty in jars too!
Here’s a super easy way to can summer squash and zucchini. Raw pack method…
Clean and sterilize your jars. I either wash them in the dishwasher; or wash in hot, soapy water, then heat the oven to 250* or so, and put the jars in it. Then I turn the oven off and let them sit and stay hot while I get everything else prepared.In a small pot, get some water almost to a boil (NOT boiling) and place your lids in there to sterilize, turn down heat to simmer.Fill a large pot with water and bring to a boil.Wash your squash well; scrubbing with a vegetable brush helps get it good and clean. Cut ends off and slice into 1/2″ thick rounds. No need to peel.Pack the slices into hot jars, leaving 1 in. headspace. Add salt if desired; 1/2 tsp pints, 1 tsp quarts.Pour boiling water over the squash, leaving 1 in. headspace. Tap the jar gently on the counter, or use the end of a wooden spoon or something to remove air bubbles.Wipe the rim of the jars with a wet rag, and adjust the two-piece lids.Process pints for 25 min., quarts for 30 min. at 10 pounds pressure in a pressure canner.
Then sit back and admire your pretty little jars!
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